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 Funded by the European Union


Elettra - Sincrotrone Triese S.C.p.A. (EST)

Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste (hereinafter ELETTRA) is an international multidisciplinary research centre of excellence, specialized in the synchrotron and free electron laser radiation and their applications in materials and life sciences. ELETTRA has built and operates two Synchrotron Radiation sources: the 3rd generation storage ring Elettra, and the seeded Free Electron Laser (FEL) source FERMI, and has set up several laboratories that offer complementary techniques to the beamlines, extending their research capabilities. Elettra scientists carry out an intense training activity targeted to young researchers and students.

Key Research Facilities

The 3rd generation storage ring, Elettra, provides synchrotron radiation to 28 beamlines. MCX (Material Characterization by X-ray diffraction) is the high resolution X-ray powder diffraction beamline, specialized in elucidating crystal structures and microstructural details of materials. The station has been designed to provide the maximum flexibility and ease of use with high precision and is based on a 4-circle Huber goniometer (2θ precision better than 0.0001°) with sample-holders controlled by a precision x-y-z motor system, 360° phi-rotation and -90 ÷ +90° chi-tilting. The diffracted arm carries, as a default, a crystal analyser/scintillation detector system.
